A community for everyone

A Blogging and QnA platform for Developers - Ednsquare

Communities are the building blocks of the platform. You can join the community of your interest. We offers tools to create and manage content inside a community.

Find your Community!

Find your interest

You can join the community of your interest. We have hundreds of communities to cover your interests.

Everything at one Place

A community is single source of truth for a topic such as React or gRPC. Everything related to topic is all inside that community.


Community is categorized into several categories. Easy to keep track & discover things you are interested in.

How it works


Have a Question? Ask the community. They might have an answer for it. Just ask the community.


Do you have something to discuss ? Or start discussion on your interest, trends, thoughts & more in a community.


Learned something new! Share with the community by writing the blogs to help understand better together.

Had a Question?

Asking a question?

Have a Question? Ask the community. They might have an answer for it.

Accepted Answers

Easy to find accepted answer. Once you are satisfied with answer, mark them as accepted.

Upvote Answers

Liked the answer, upvote it. It will help other to find this answer easily.

Let’s Discuss

Have something to Discuss?

Do you have something to discuss ? Or start discussion on your interest, trends, thoughts & more.

Fully threaded discussion

Our platform support fully threaded discussion out of the box. Carry on your discussion.

Upvote Responses

Liked the response, upvote it. It will help other to find this response easily.

Write a Blog!

A blogging platform

Ednsquare is an open platform where anyone can write blogs on topics they are intrested in.

Simple & fast wysiwyg editor

We have designed a world class editor that allows you to write Beautiful blogs.

Deisgned for Reading

Blogs are optimized for reading & writing. Easy to share you story, no popups & ads.

And there’s a whole lot more to love...

Personalized Home feed
Combined notification feed
Personal profile page
Simple & fast wysiwyg editor
Brandable community profile
Every community, single Login
Search-indexed threads
Curated Explore page
Unlimited posts, threads & storage
Simple, clean & performent UI
Free from ads, clickbaits & spams
Fast, Secure & Private communication

On a mission to build Next-Gen Community Platform for Developers